Spring Break Travel Tips for Families
Posted on February 18 2019

Spring Break is right around the corner and if you’re like me, you take full advantage of that time to get in a family vacation. If you have already planned your getaway or are still undecided on what to do, here’s a few tips on how to make Spring Break travel a breeze.
Before you get started with Spring Break planning, you should already have a budget in mind. Setting a budget will allow you to have realistic expectations about possible destinations, as well as travel means. Is a staycation more feasible or can you pull off an international trip? Should you pick an all inclusive or do an Airbnb? Budgets help answer some of the most important questions from the start and puts planning in perspective.
There are a lot of factors that go into choosing your destination. Should you pick a place within driving distance or will the littles do well on a flight? Whenever we book travel by flight, we have to take into consideration how Jaxon and Kam might behave. Jaxon was deemed the “turn up baby” on his first flight, while Kam is the “boss baby” that will have his way by any means necessary. A flight for our squad is always a gamble. You have to assess the behavior of your children, as well as what they favor, in choosing the method of travel for your trip.
There are so many travel destinations to choose from but what places will work best are unique to each family. Take time to think about the things that bring joy to your crew. If your family is like mine, a beach destination is always at the top of the list. My boys love to play in the sand and watch the waves. If your family loves new experiences, then perhaps avoid the typical destinations and pick a place that has a lot of culture and unique food. If the cold weather tickles your fancy, a trip to Colorado for some skiing would be a blast.
The choices are endless and you’re guaranteed to find something that is perfect for your families needs.
Once you’ve booked your trip, look up activities you’d like to enjoy. Spring Breaks are popular and depending on your destination, might involve an influx of people. If you’re picking a popular destination like Florida, planning in advance is a must. The experience you may be eyeing may also be a top pick for hundreds, if not thousands, of other travelers.
I like to know what each day will entail before I vacation. For my family, this helps everything run smoothly. Take into consideration your families habits. We love to sleep in on vacation, so I’m always sure to schedule all activities after 9:30 am. I factor in everything from meals to nap times when getting our plan together.
A solid itinerary will help you to avoid long waits with antsy kids. It allows you to truly spend your vacation enjoying every minute of it with no wasted moments deciding what you will do next.
Traveling with the family means lots of packing!!! This is the part I dread most! However, it doesn’t have to be as big of a pain as it typically is. One handy trick I use is Ziplock bags! I buy the Jumbo Size Ziplock Bags and pack one per kid. I label the bags with their name and waalah.....they are good to go! There’s no searching through the suitcase for their socks and confusing one kids things with the others.
I also use gallon size Ziplock bags for essentials like shampoo, sunblock, bath soap, etc. Putting them in the bags helps protect against those accidental spills! I’ve had many trips, prior to using Ziplocks, where I opened my luggage to find my clothing drenched in conditioner.
What about the dirty clothing throughout the trip? Pack 2 trash bags with your luggage. I actually fold my dirty clothing and place them in garbage bags so I can throw them in the wash immediately upon arriving home. This has helped a lot!
Being prepared the day of travel is key to getting the trip started on the right foot. Whether you are traveling by car or plane, the essentials are necessary. I give each kid a backpack for travel. I pack toilet seat covers and wipes for when they have the urge to go, (Yes, I’m that type of Mom), downtime entertainment items such as books, electronics, crayons and tablets and snacks! You cannot forget to pack snacks with the littles! My kids are hungry even after finishing meals, so snacks for us help make traveling a lot easier.
If you are traveling by plane, make sure you arrive to the airport with enough time to get through security without having to rush. Starting the trip off by running through the airport is a sure way to cause unnecessary anxiety and set an unwanted mood during travel.
Also, when checking your bags, be sure to keep 1 or 2 carry on sized bags to bring on the plane. In those bags, pack travel size essentials and at least 2 days of clothing for the entire crew. I’ve experienced arriving to my destination only to find that my bags haven’t. The cost to buy clothing and essentials for a family of 5 can add up quickly and kill that budget meant for fun!
Once you arrive to your destination, just think FUN, FUN, FUN! Take advantage of the time with your family and make memories that will last a lifetime!
What are your plans for your family this Spring Break? Drop your destinations in the comment section below.
Until next time Kuties!