Ways To Celebrate National Dog Day

Keon Addai

Posted on August 19 2020

For those of you that know me, you know that my first baby was my Shih Tzu Rockee. For my family and I, we always want to be sure that Rockee knows that he is loved! 

A great way to show appreciation for your fur baby is to be sure to celebrate National Dog Day! Don’t have any fun ideas? Don't worry, I'll help you with a few.

5 Fun Things to Do with Your Dog to Celebrate National Dog Day

1. Have a photo shoot 

Having a photoshoot with your dog is a great way to spend quality time while getting a memento of the occasion.  Most pets won’t stay still during the shoot but that is perfectly fine. Let your baby run the photoshoot instead of you.

You can follow them around with your camera or mobile phone. Once the shoot is said and done, you can print the photos and place them in frames throughout the house.

2. Watch Dog-Themed Movies

If any of your dogs are like Rockee, they love to snuggle up and watch tv. You can get cozy on your bed and watch a marathon of various pet-themed movies. 

Below are some of the best options available on Netflix that are sure to please. 




-Kitten Rescuers

-Save Our Shelter

-The Adventures of Puss in Boots

-The Lion in Your Living Room

-The Stray

3. Water Games

Rockee is not a fan of water but many dogs are. Turn on the sprinkler or hop in the pool for a day of water fun! 

Side note: The kids will enjoy participating in this as well. 

4. Doga

Yoga studios have started to provide "doga" classes, where you can perform yoga with your dog. If you are brave, you may also try yoga at the house with your dog. This is something you can do on National Pet Day and beyond!

5. Take your dog to a “Yappy” Hour

The majority of dog bakeries celebrate dogs and owners with a "yappy hour". A yappy hour is a social hour that includes treats of several types. Spending this quality hour with your pet, not to mention all the bakery items, will be an unforgettable way to celebrate National Pet Day! 

Bottom Line 

All of these ideas can be fun ways to celebrate your dog! You know your fur baby most, so choose what best fits their personality. August 26th is quickly approaching, so get doggy day planned out now. 

Until next time Kuties!


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