Keeping Children Safe Online
Posted on June 30 2021

As summer break continues with parents still adhering to social distancing, many children are using online tools as their main way of communication. The pandemic somewhat forced this new normal upon most of us. Though things are easing up a bit, the reliance on the digital world will not slow up anytime soon.
Due to this unexpected shift, its important for us parents to be on top of our game. We must do everything necessary to keep our children safe online.
Here are a few tips to help keep the kiddos safe:
- Private accounts are a must.
Having an online presence opens our children up to so many dangers. Teaching them to keep their accounts private helps to eliminate a few of them.
So many personal photos and thoughts are shared through online networks. Only allowing individuals that they personally know to view that content helps to create a bubble.
Nothing on the internet will ever be safe, but if you know and interact with the individuals that you share photos and information with online, it helps in having a sense of comfort.
Even with this, it’s important that we teach our children about their digital footprint. They should be informed that once they post something online, it is essentially there forever. Therefore, nothing should be posted that they wouldn’t be comfortable with the world seeing long term.
They should also be taught never to share information like address, email or phone number online.
2. All computers should be kept in open areas.
Keeping devices in common areas such as the family office, designated study area or living room, helps us to always be aware of what is going on. Children are less likely to participate in bad behavior online or watch anything inappropriate when they lack the privacy to do so.
3. Communicate openly.
Make your home your children’s “safe space” where any and everything can be discussed. If they feel uncomfortable by something posted online or a message received, they should be able to come to you and share without judgement. This helps to foster a relationship of trust and openness.
4. Monitor Activity
There is no such thing as a private password in my home. If your children have an online presence, you should be able to log in to their accounts and monitor their activity. Have a look at what they are posting, messages they are sending and receiving as well as their friends list.
Go through the browser history to see what they’ve searched and websites they’ve visited.
5. Limit time online
Don’t allow your children to spend hours online. Think of what amount of time you feel is reasonable and make sure they adhere to it.
Be sure to set a good example as well. If we don’t want our children engaging online for hours on end, we must make sure we aren’t spending our leisure time doing the same.
6. Be mindful of behavioral changes.
From cyber bullying to videos dealing with race relations, there is so much posted online that is traumatizing to adults. We can only imagine the numerous things that can effect our children.
Be vigilant and look for any noticeable changes in your child’s behavior so it can be addressed quickly.
The digital world has so many facets. Whether we like it or not, our children will have interaction with it in one way or another. If we do our part as their parents in being sure we are knowledgeable about the dangers and communicate that to them, we can help in keeping them as safe as possible.
Below are a few websites that can assist you with ways to make sure your children are safe online.
Until next time Kuties,
Websites to check out: