Embrace Not Being the Perfect Mom
Posted on November 10 2018

As moms, we wear many hats. I often find myself struggling with simply not getting everything perfect. Trying to change Kam’s diaper, while continuing to read a book to Jax, all the while, thinking of what practice questions I’ll write for Jaylen to study! It can be quite overwhelming!
As a perfectionist, I’ve beaten myself up a lot over not getting everything squared away perfectly. I’m sure many moms go through the same thing. We want to be everything to everyone! We want every task to go as planned.
I was getting my oldest son’s lunch menu together and he asked if he could assist me. We sat down and begin writing out all the items he would love. He was so excited to take part in planning his own menu.
I usually make sure he has a different item everyday, which would become quite a feat. This year, I decided to take a different approach and make three items per week. I felt as if I was failing him by suggesting such a thing. As I explained to him what my plan was, he interrupted and said, “Mommy, I’m so excited! You’re such a great mom!”
I looked at my first born with so much admiration for him. Here I was, beating myself up mentally, because I felt I could be doing better. I felt I owed it to him to get it perfect. Yet, my son was telling me that I am getting it right. In his eyes, I am doing just fine.
This moment was an eye opener for me. Who’s expectations are we trying to live up to? We sometimes think our kids need the best of everything and they are truly content. They are content with the effort we are putting in. They are in awe of the job we are doing, even when we feel we could do more.
Jaylen cared more about the love I was putting into making his meals versus having a new meal everyday. As long as we are doing everything in love, let’s not stress ourselves with trying to be perfect. So to all you Kute moms out there, in the words of Jay, “You’re such a great mom! Keep up the great work being perfectly imperfect!”
Until next time Kuties!